30 Days Wild: Day 21

A beautiful blue 'moony' sky

It's day 21 of 30 Days Wild already! Only 9 more days to go! I have been so busy again today that I only made it as far as the garden - but do I have a treat for you!

Before that though, I noticed how blue and mostly cloudless the sky was. The moon was also visible! I love it when you have a blue sky, a little cloud and the moon! I think the main photo might be one of my favourites now!

There was also an aeroplane streaking across the sky. I always wonder about the people aboard - Where are they going? Why are they going where they are? What are they like? and so on:

In the back garden, the rudbeckia is growing nicely. I'm looking forward to seeing this flower, and afterwards I'll work out where best to move it to next spring. I want the garden to go from tall to short from the hedge to the path by the pond, so I'll have to wait to see how tall this one eventually becomes:

The agastache 'Black adder' (what a fantastic name!) is taller than it's ever been, so it will be moved next to the hedge next year. It's one of my favourite plants for a few reasons. Firstly, it produces beautiful tall purple spires, which the bees and other pollinators love. Secondly, it looks like a stinging nettle but it isn't - this makes people wary of it! Lastly, it's huge! It's so tall that it really adds a bit of height to an otherwise flat landscape:

In the front garden, I sowed some sweet pea seeds a couple of weeks ago. They've started to germinate, so I'm really hoping we have a display as good as last year:

Then I spent some time watching the housemartins coming and going from their three and a half nests (only two in the photo - the other one and a half are to the right of where these ones are):

On full zoom on my phone!
In this video, at about 50 seconds, you can just about make out a housemartin chick poking its beak over the edge of the nest! If you look at the spot where the adult housemartin is in the photo above, that's where the chick appears in the video below!

I'm so pleased with how well the housemartins are doing this year, and generally how well our garden is attracting wildlife!

You can read all of my 30 Days Wild posts here!

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