30 Days Wild: Day 20

Checking the pond

I've had a busy day for day 20 of 30 Days Wild doing other things, so I only managed to get into the garden again. I checked on the pond, as the flag iris (in the top right corner of the pond) keeps being pushed over. It's not the wind, because it stays put when it's very windy. I think it's either the pair of blackbirds that bathe in the pond or our resident female frog that is pushing it over. It's quite annoying, as it happens every couple of days or so, but I never see it! I sat next to the pond for a little while too, just enjoying my surroundings.

The penstemon 'Strawberries and cream' has started to produce buds:

The leucanthemum has started to bloom:

The salvia is getting ready to flower too:

I'm really pleased with how our garden is maturing this year, although next spring I think I'll probably move the plants around again. I'd like more height at the back, by the hedge, and the smaller plants at the front. As any gardener will tell you, a good garden is never static!

You can read all of my 30 Days Wild Posts here!

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